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On Love Collection

On Love Collection


From Viktor Frankl's insight that "love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire" to Rilke's humble desire "with only this one dream: you come too," this collection speaks to all of us at a time when loving one another seems more important than ever.

  • Pablo Neruda (Spanish)

    $ 24.00

    "Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera have con los cerezos." - Pablo Neruda From Neruda's collection Veinte poemas de amor y una canción dese...

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    $ 24.00
  • Rainer Maria Rilke

    $ 24.00

    "But every touch draws us together, as a violin's bow that from two strings draws one voice." - Rainer Maria Rilke "How can I pluck my soul apart?...

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    $ 24.00
  • Zora Neale Hurston

    $ 24.00

    "Yes I do, darling, I love you." - Zora Neale Hurston We discovered this disarmingly simple, yet powerful quotation while reading one of Ms. Hurst...

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    $ 24.00
  • William Carlos Williams

    $ 24.00

    "Night is a room darkened for lovers." - William Carlos Williams From his poem, Complaint. We love this sensual metaphor. In the illustration, we...

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    $ 24.00
  • Pablo Neruda

    $ 24.00

    "Love is so short, forgetting is so long." - Pablo Neruda From Neruda's collection Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada, an emotional ...

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    $ 24.00
  • Pablo Neruda

    $ 24.00

    "I cast my sad nets into your ocean eyes." - Pablo Neruda From Neruda's collection Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada, an emotional ...

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    $ 24.00
  • Pablo Neruda

    $ 24.00

    "I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees." - Pablo Neruda From Neruda's collection Veinte poemas de amor y una canción deses...

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    $ 24.00
  • Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson

    $ 24.00

    "And now - unwittingly you've made me dream of violets" - Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson From her poem Sonnet, written in 1922. Poet, essayist, diarist...

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    $ 24.00
  • T. S. Eliot

    $ 24.00

    "Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.I have heard the mermaids sing...

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    $ 24.00
  • Emily Dickinson

    $ 24.00

    "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain." - Emily Dickinson Dickinson's extraordinary poetry at its most intimate.  It ne...

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    $ 24.00
  • W. B. Yeats

    $ 24.00

    "And pluck till time and times are done, the silver apples of the moon, the golden apples of the sun." - W. B. Yeats From his lyrical poem, The S...

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    $ 24.00
  • e e cummings

    $ 24.00

    "Yours is the music for no instrument" - e e cummings From one our favorite modernist poets, and one of his most sensual, candid collections, Tul...

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    $ 24.00
  • Murasaki Shikibu

    $ 24.00

    "If you are scorched earth, I will be warm rain." - Murasaki Shikibu This lovely line is from Shikibu’s 11th century, profoundly influential work ...

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    $ 24.00
  • Emily Bronte

    $ 24.00

    "Fate is strong, but love is stronger." - Emily Brontë From her poem The Two Children. • 11x14 inch art print with white border • Premium, fine ...

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    $ 24.00
  • Zora Neale Hurston

    $ 24.00

    "And the moon breaks the heart of the ocean." - Zora Neale Hurston The moon holds the ocean in its sway, wrapping a wave into the shape of a face....

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    $ 24.00